Today’s WOD was Short and Sweet… I loved it.
7 round for time:
35 Double unders
1 Squat Snatch (90%1RM
My time: 7:34min could have been better had a few issues with my rope being too long…
Sqaut Snatch 30kg's
Kristy Johnson and myself working hard on the Dunders..
I’m a Big fan of The Burgener Warm-Up…
The essence of the Olympic lifts is creating momentum and elevation on the barbell through a range of motion that begins at the floor and finishes with the bar overhead (in the snatch and the jerk) or racked at the shoulders (in the clean).
I recommend incorporating the Burgener warm-up into your daily routine regardless of the workout. It is remarkably effective at teaching and reinforcing the basic concepts of performing the Olympic lifts.
The sequence is as follows, always in this order:
1. Down and up
2. Elbows high and outside
3. Muscle snatch
4. Snatch land
5. Snatch drop
6. Hang power snatch
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