Friday, 3 June 2011

SHIT-ASS, HARD as HELL Work Out of the Day!!

Todays WOD almost KILLED me…. I think my “cheat meal” got a bit… lets say out of fucking control yesterday and as a result I almost meet Pukie on several occasions Especially  on the Sumo dead lift high pull’s on ALL 3 rounds :/ ….
 1.2km run - 300 reps 31:05minute later I was such a wreck the pain and sheer confusion brought me to tears!! My head was throbbing but as I looked around the box and sore I wasn’t alone in this awkward discomfort, I did feel a sigh of relief.
I later coached this WOD to a class at CrossFit Attitude, the girls were relentless and regardless of “times” they did amazing work finishing before the 40minute cut-off.
Breeza struggled on the runs but busted out massive sets on the wall-ball’s, pull-up’s and SDHP’s even with a ripped callas..
Andrew kept pace with perfect kipping pull-up technique.
Hayley Shocked us all when she declared “I liked that one” :/ … Righto then Hayley It’s all yours here’s hoping I NEVER see it again!!
Would also like to mention that Shaz  Rx’d this Wod in 21minutes and his wall-balls were “Roofies”

EPIC!! hahaha

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