Kung Fu = Action Meditation
My SIFI (master) SHI YAN MING, a 34th generation Shaolin warrior monk is a fighting monk hailing from China’s Shaolin Temple – the birth place of Ch’an Buddhism and the mecca of all martial arts.
He has trained my body and my mind, He has helped me increase my flexibility, power and speed. At the same time he has taught me the funder mantles of Buddhism that today radiate through my entire life, allowing me to tackle the world with a Shaolin Warriors confidence, calm and poise.
It’s almost been 1year since I broke my back in several places, Today I choose to restart my Kung Fu training again, though I feel I have lost all of which I was able to do and all that I have learnt in the past, Today I choose to see this as an opportunity, I am now a blank canvas….
1year ago I was accepted to a Martial arts academy at Yuntai Mountain in China, I was due to fly out in October 2011, this year. Now that I’m back on my feet and willing to train hard and remain focused on my goal I can see this being more of a probability then a possibility. I believe I can make it to China by the end of this year!!
Kung Fu isn’t just an exercise routine.
It is a philosophy of life.
The action is the philosophy. The philosophy is the action.
The two are inseparable.
Though Kung Fu your leaning mental and physical discipline.
You’re begging to develop a beautiful mind and a beautiful body.
You’re polishing your body and your mind to polish your life,
to better express your inner and outer beauty.
In mastering your body and your mind, you will master your life.
In respecting your body you lean to respect yourself.
You can’t expect others to respect you if you don’t respect yourself.
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